Tell us your story
We want to know about your experiences using your previous software and your search for a replacement.
Please tell us your name
Your email address
Your Serial Number - -
Find the serial number by clicking on Serial Number on the main window of the software
Name of Company
How many customers do you have?
What are your approximate gross sales per year?
1. Please describe some of the problems/frustrations you have with your current software:
2. How (or why) will finding a solution help you?
3. Please describe your search for a solution:
4. How difficult has your search been?
5. How does Donarius compare?
6. How do you currently track your customers/sales?

on paper
Excel or other spreadsheet
Access or other database
(name of software)
How much time does it take? minutes / day
7. How much time does it take using Donarius? minutes / day